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Showing most liked content on 03/07/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    gj guys. well build sever hope the 500 is around for a long time. and best wished to 30x
  2. 1 point
    Pack and Unpack Jewels Commands for easy packing and unpacking jewels! Command: /pack [jewel] [value] Example: /pack bless 30 Creates one pack of 30 Bless if you have them in inventory Command: /unpack [jewel] [value] Example: /unpack soul 20 Unpacks one pack of 20 Soul if you have it in inventory bless = Jewel of Bless soul = Jewel of Soul life = Jewel of Life chaos = Jewel of Chaos creation = Jewel of Creation guardian = Jewel of Guardian harmony = Jewel of Harmony gem = Gemstone loref = Lower Refine Stone hiref = Higher Refine Stone
  3. 1 point