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  1. Recruiting GM / Helper

    Don't know if this is still relevant but worth a shot. Real Name: Arturs Age: 32 Country you live: UK Languages you know: Latvian - native language, English - high level, Russian - medium(understand but will struggle to reply in Russian), German - low level Free hours per day to be online : 10pm till 3-4am usually but more on my days off work. Previous GM experience if have: haven't played mu in 15 years before started playing here. Used to be GM at one server(Can't remember name) but don't remember anything anymore so if accepted then will have to relearn everything. How can you help Server: I'm doing my best helping new players with items/info/advice and only other way I can contribute more to server is by ensuring other players follow rules to acceptable standards. Other comments: I'm only applying if this is for one server (x1500) as I don't play the other two.