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Starred Mu


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  1. Jewel Bank

    does it have a fee? system said it has a 3% fee, how does it apply?
  2. Socket Item Options

    ADMIN this stil work?? i just leveld a socket to level 5 and those options are def not lvl 10 socket options. ty
  3. Success Rates

    So according to what you said, Wings Feather of Condor = 1 - 60% (60% max rate) Wings level 1 = 1 - 100% (100% max rate) Wings level 2 = 1 - 90% (90% max rate) Wings level 2.5 = 1 - 60% (60% max rate) Wings level 3 = 1 - 40% (40% max rate) Wings crafting would always be the rates you mentioned? for example I have 14% on the client (chaos machine) for wings level 2.5, but in truth that 14% is 60%?